Renaissance Workshop Company
The foremost manufacturer of early musical instruments worldwide

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Instrument & Kits

Spares & Tools

Books & Drawings


Copyright and Licence

REMEMBER: You are buying a product consisting of some objects and some information with a licence of use. YOU ARE NOT BUYING OR HIRING THE COPYRIGHT. This means that you cannot use those objects or that information to copy them for commercial purposes. The licence that comes with every kit and every drawing, allows you to build only one instrument and no more. Only if you are a 'RWC Authorized Building Workshop' you can trade with this instrument obtained from the kit or drawing, otherwise it has to be built for personal use. You cannot hide the origin and the manufacturer and you cannot delete or remove the marks of RWC.

If you are buying

You can

You cannot

a finished instrument

Use and enjoy it.
Sell it as a second-hand RWC instrument.
Resell it as a new RWC instrument only if you are a trade agent of RWC, maintain the marks of RWC, respect the price and commercial policies of RWC and advertise it as manufactured by RWC.

Copy it, neither for personal nor commercial purposes.
Delete or remove the marks of RWC.
Resell it as a new instrument if you are not a trade agent of RWC, if you do not respect the price and commercial policies of RWC or if you do not advertise it as manufactured by RWC.


If you are buying

You can

You cannot

a kit

Transform it in an instrument for your use.
Sell it as a second-hand RWC kit.
Resell it as a new RWC kit only if you are a trade agent of RWC, maintain the marks of RWC, respect the price and commercial policies of RWC and advertise it as manufactured by RWC.
If you are a 'RWC Authorized Building Workshop', you can transform it in an instrument to be sold with the marks and copyright of RWC.

Copy it, neither for personal nor commercial purposes.
Delete or remove the marks of RWC.
Resell the parts of the kit as components or spare parts.
Resell it as a new kit if you are not a trade agent of RWC, if you do not respect the price and commercial policies of RWC or if you do not advertise it as manufactured by RWC.
Transform it in an instrument to be sold without the marks and copyright of RWC.
Build instruments from scratch based on the information obtained from the kit neither for personal nor commercial purposes.
If you are not a 'RWC Authorized Building Workshop', you cannot transform it in an instrument to be sold.


If you are buying

You can

You cannot

a drawing or instruction manual

Build an instrument for your use following the instructions.
Sell it as a second-hand RWC drawing.
Resell it as a new RWC drawing only if you are a trade agent of RWC, maintain the marks of RWC, respect the price and commercial policies of RWC and advertise it as manufactured by RWC.
If you are a 'RWC Authorized Building Workshop', you can build an instrument to be sold with the marks and copyright of RWC.

Copy it, neither for personal nor commercial purposes.
Delete or remove the marks of RWC.
Resell it as a new drawing if you are not a trade agent of RWC, if you do not respect the price and commercial policies of RWC or if you do not advertise it as manufactured by RWC.
Build an instrument to be sold without the marks and copyright of RWC.
Build more than one instrument from scratch based on the information obtained from the drawing neither for personal nor commercial purposes.
If you are not a 'RWC Authorized Building Workshop', you cannot build an instrument to be sold based on the information obtained from the drawing.



Copyright © 1999 Renaissance Workshop Company Ltd.
Last modification: 03 de mayo de 2019
Phone:(+34) 91 450 30 50